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A COVID-19 Announcement

March 20, 2020 | 0 Comments


In these uncertain times, many of you have asked what you can do to help. As the news changes daily, we are committed to making sure that our seniors stay safe and well fed.

As of this week, Meals on Wheels in Greater New Brunswick has suspended daily meal delivery. We are in the process of delivering multiple weeks of shelf-stable and frozen meals to our clients. 

Ordering extra emergency meals has been a financial challenge for us. If you would like to donate to help offset additional costs we’ve incurred during this current crisis, please click here.

When you think of your senior neighbors, who have now been encouraged to stay at home, here’s how you can help:

  • Offer to pick up basic groceries and prescriptions for them.
  • Make sure they have enough pet food and essentials like toilet paper and laundry soap.
  • Help with yard work or another task they may not be able to do right now.
  • Drop off an encouraging note or flowers.
  • Pick up a set of playing cards, Sudoku, or a crossword puzzle book on your next trip to the grocery store.

Above all, let them know they are not forgotten and that people care!